About Data Storage
Storing the data in ROM can not be done easily but read data from ROM can be done easily. Usually the program / data contained in ROM is filled by the manufacturer. Due to the nature of this ROM, usually used to store the firmware (software) that is closely related to hardware.
RAM is a type of computer storage whose contents can be accessed in a fixed time not considering the location of the data in memory. This is in contrast to sequential memory devices such as magnetic tape, disc and drum, where the mechanical movement of storage media to force the computer to access data sequentially.
Usually RAM can be written and read, belawanan with ROM, RAM is usually used to primary storage (main memory) in a computer to use and modify the information actively. Although some tools use some kind of RAM to provide long-term secondary storage.
But there is also an opinion that the ROM is another type of RAM, because it is really too random access such as SRAM or DRAM. It’s just that indeed the process of writing the ROM requires a special process is not as easy and flexible as well as in SRAM or DRAM. In addition, some parts of the address space of RAM (main memory) of a system that is mapped into one or two chip ROM.